Monday, September 12, 2005

She's baaaaaack!

Yes, I returned home safely last night after an absolutely perfect getaway with The Queen. We had a wonderful time and I feel so energized even though we walked about 87 skillion miles. I promise to tell you all about it later. The kids are all about mommy right now, so it will have to wait until after everyone is in bed. At the moment, I am helping SugarPlum with homework, unpacking my suitcase, and singing Manamana (from The Muppet Show) with SugarBug. Over & over & over.

Did I mention that SugarDaddy left this morning? (Just for The Queen and LBT: Yes, it is as we suspected, although not in a bad way. I don't think.)

So, I do promise to tell all & even try to add pictures tonight. What else have I got to do??

***It is nearly 1:00 am. I was almost finished with my post about the trip. I hit something and it was half gone. Poof. Links, lots of links. And pictures. Tons of pictures. Gone. I may cry. I need to sleep. I also need a new mouse for my laptop. The touch pad died & now my new little mouse has too. I've been at the desktop tonight & it is s-l-o-w. You will hear all about the trip after I sleep & go to Best Buy. Good night.***

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