Last weekend was the big airshow. I mentioned that SD took SugarPlum on Friday to the educational thing. On Saturday, he took her and Bear. Then! On Sunday we all went to watch the Thunderbirds show that Scottie had given us tickets to. Sadly, we weren't able to get pictures of the kids with Scottie because the team needed to leave shortly after the show to get home to Vegas. Scottie has reached hero status in our home though. SugarBear has a toy plane that we got at the airshow & shows us all the things that Scottie did while flying.
"Scottie went upside down. Then he went upside up! And then he went around and around and then WHOOSH!" This narrative is heard throughout the day. "I going to be a Funderbord when I get big like Scottie!"

SugarBug on the other hand, didn't enjoy the show quite so much. If you ask him about he Thunderbirds, he will tell you, "Scawy aiwplanes!"

We all had such a good time (except for the scawy part). Hopefully we will catch them again next year. Wherever we may be!
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